eyebrow can anchor any look the brows frame the eyes determine your expression and make everyone more beautiful. we truly believe that the natural shape of your eyebrow is probably the shape that you need to have it’s the one that naturally suits you the most and the shape that you should kind of follow you can just fill in any gaps you can accentuate the shape.
but not try and make your eyebrow look a lot different or like somebody else’s eyebrow because mostly it won’t suit the shape of your face did that make sense but the eyebrows do shape and frame your eyes and even if you change them a little bit it can change the whole look and the whole face features and accentuate the face features and change like everything.
one of the first things you want to do when shaping your brows is make sure you’re in good lighting you want to avoid being under overhead lights which can cause a shadow and distort the way that you look no it sounds counterintuitive but if you’re working on a very clean face right out of the shower it might be less sensitive to tweeze it’s actually one of the worst times of tweeze the end of the day we still have makeup on and you’re looking in the mirror.