Microblading is a form of tattooing it’s a little less stark we’re actually creating the hair strokes in your eyebrow to simulate hair and for women who have no hair at all it makes a huge difference we take measurements and we’m pretty meticulous about where the pigment goes and where we’re drawing on the eyebrow we talk about the shape we talk about color.
It’s really important that we talk about it beforehand it takes about two visits to achieve the results that you want space about four weeks apart and that takes it takes that long for your skin to heal and for the pigment to be crisp and clear this procedure is perfect for anyone who wants to enhance their brows. brows okay the first three in four days try not to get them soaked wet the other hair is important for retention too okay.
no eyebrows are symmetrical remember our faces are not symmetrical so you always have one eyebrow that’s higher than the other in her face is looking like this one is higher than this one and then you always have one brow that has more hair. than the other eyebrows our goal is to get them to look as symmetrical as possible.